Monday, 12 May 2014 00:00

Trust the Process – a beginning

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Slow down. Calm down. Don’t worry. Don’t hurry. Trust the process. (Alexandra Stoddard)

You may or may not have noticed that worrying about things does not change the outcome. What it does do is increase your heart rate and your anxiety level (with all sorts of physical sequelae), and close down small chinks of light that may remain, as well as clouding your ability to think clearly.

When you have made worrying your life work, and many of us do, it is very hard to move away from this addictive process. Sometimes there is an unconscious fear that not worrying will make you less alert to troubles creeping up on you, jumping on you from behind when you least expect it.

I know well that many of you live in difficult circumstances. These situations make it seem as if the only thing to do is worry. Well, this is not the case. You can learn skills that give your mind and body little holidays. Start practicing today. When you clean your teeth, try to stay completely in the experience. The feel of the brush in your hand, the sensation of squeezing out the paste, the taste, the mouth feel, your gums and tongue. There is more. This is a complex task but one that you do without thinking about it.

So today: slow down, don’t hurry, be with the process. A simple first step on the road to freedom.

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