So this time I’m going to try for something different. I’m going to offer myself the opportunity to just float down into the new year. Like someone who is made of thistledown and is just riding down on the breeze.
I have acquired a suspicion, you see, that while I fix on my urgent goals, there is something just out of the line of my sight that I’m not seeing. Something is going on that I am not a party to. I’m pretty sure now that what eludes me cannot be seen unless I stay in neutral for some of the time. Maybe even park up and take a look around.
In one of Annie Proulx’s books, Postcards, there’s a woman who learns to drive after her husband dies. All her life she has lived in the same little area, being driven to her neighbours sometimes, but generally living her life with a fairly narrow range of focus. Behind the wheel of her own little car, she discovers…views! She begins to drive about, looking at new vistas, enjoying new prospects, musing on what lies before her.
I’m going to look at some views. I invite you to join me. While I’m floating, I’ll look about, and there you will be…floating past, a look of serenity on your face and peace in your heart.
Welcome to newness. Let’s float.
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear
(Lyrics from John Lennon’s ‘So this is Christmas’)
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